Thursday, February 16, 2006

Pre-natal depression?

Have been feeling very down, moody and weepy lately... don't know if it's normal...

Had a splitting headache in school on Thursday. Another one on Sat... and yet another one on Sunday.... plus slight nausea... Wonder if it's the warm weather... making me feel sick...

Students have been boisterous in class, especially the Sec 1Ns... find myself stopping every few minutes to tell them off... Gets on my nerves... makes me frustrated... and worsens my headaches... Every day it's a mad rush... preparing lessons, going to class, scolding students, collecting homework, chasing homework, marking, paperwork, rushing from class to class at times up to 6 periods (3 hours) at one go, gasping for breath in between...

Teaching is just so mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting... more so when pregnant... Every day, by the time I reach home at 7 p.m., I'm half alive... barely breathing... it feels like every ounce of energy and life force has been drained from the body....

Haven't been sleeping well at all for the past week. Always find myself waking up and totally alert at 3 a.m. in the morning and not able to go back to sleep till 4+ or 5.

And then my alarm clock rings at 530... and I have to drag my tired body out from bed, go through the motions of swallowing breakfast, changing into work clothes, getting into the car and semi-consciously finding myself in school...

Had quite a severe cramp in the abdomen in the middle of the night that woke me up at 3 a.m.... yes... 3 a.m. again... why is it that I always wake up at this time??? The pain was so uncomfortable and disturbing that I couldn't go back to sleep at all, despite changing sleeping positions to the left, to the right, to the back... Couldn't even drag or force my body up from bed when the alarm sounded. So called in to work sick. Wonder if Baby is alright...

Made an unscheduled visit to the gynae in the afternoon and told him of all the discomforts... especially the most worrisome cramps. As I slowly voiced my concerns, tears welled up in the eyes and started rolling uncontrollably down the cheeks.... it's like a tap that cannot be turned off... it keeps on flowing... even as I got back into the car and driving away...

Don't know how much more of this I can take... feel like running... away...

1 comment:

CameraDawktor said...

I had pre-natal depression. Was never officially diagnosed w/ it but was after the baby was born and was feeling the same way when I got the official stamp. I wish I would have talked to my Gyn. before the baby was born and got some help dealing with what was going on with me. E-mail me if you want to chat: