Mummy and Daddy saw you at Dr. Ong's clinic last night.
"Look at him jump!" said Dr. Ong.
*BOING* It's true! You were jumping up and down.
*BOING* "Soooo cute!" Mummy gushed.
*BOING* "He's exercising," said Dr. Ong.
*BOING* There you go again!
"He's 5.2 cm, growing well," assured Dr. Ong.
After the scan, we asked Dr. Ong about the Down's Syndrome test which the nurse had mentioned to us earlier while she went through the gynae package. Dr. Ong explained the routine screening tests of Nuchal test and Triple Blood Test. He also pointed out that the risk of baby having DS is low for my age, 29. 29???
Hello? I'm only 26!
It turned out that the nurse had wrongly written my year of birth as 1975 instead of 1979. Tsk tsk...Anyway, we went ahead with the Nuchal Test of which the results indicated that baby is at low risk of having DS. Whew!
Rewind... Earlier, before we went in to see Dr. Ong, the nurse explained the gynae package to us. And we realised that when we did the calculations several days earlier, we had not factored in charges like pediatrician fees and anaesthetist fees. Looks like the whole sum adding up hospital charges could go up to as high as 6 to 7k. Sigh... it's really not cheap having a baby.
Looks like Mummy and Daddy won't be going anywhere for the holidays this year. Got to save up for baby fund.
Throughout the night, Mummy can't help but keep seeing the image of baby bouncing up and down in her mind.