Daddy had to go for 2 weeks of reservist. From 5 Jan to 20 Jan. So sad...
Mummy didn't dare to sleep alone in the house. So had to go to Grandma's house to stay over. The first night, Mummy missed Daddy sooooo much. *SOB SOB* Was totally inconsolable and almost filled up the wastepaper basket with Kleenex. Couldn't fall asleep until past 1 am although went to bed at 11 pm. Woke up with puffy eyes and had to go to work looking like a goldfish the next morning.
Luckily, throughout the two weeks, there were some nights Daddy could book out. So we went home to sleep. How I missed our Simmons bed and Aussino 360 thread count bedlinen. The no-brand mattress and linen at Grandma's place was so rough. I can't imagine how I had spent so many years sleeping in them before getting married.
On those days that Daddy booked out, I worked till 6 pm in school until it was time to pick him up. So tiring... There was one night, I think it was a Friday, that I was SO exhausted I fell asleep at 8 pm and woke up only at 8 am the next day.
Well, one good thing that happened was, I got to eat DURIANS! Daddy is so averse to durians that I haven't eaten it in a long time. Asked Grandma to buy so I could indulge in it while Daddy was away! Had durians for 'supper' for two nights in a row! Yippee!