Today, Mummy and Daddy went to see you at Dr. Ong's clinic. The nurse took Mummy's weight and exclaimed, " Wow! Put on 4 kg, must diet already!"
Haha... Must be all that Chinese New Year feasting over the week.
Before we went into Dr. Ong's office, I rubbed and prodded you a bit hoping to wake you up. So that later during the scan, hopefully you won't be sleeping again. We want to see your sex so we can start buying clothes, pram and stuff for you.
When we went in to see Dr. Ong, we asked him so many questions... about whether I should take omega-3 supplements. Apparently, there was an article in today's newspaper that claims babies whose mums take more omega-3 will have higher IQ. But Dr. Ong said no need. All the newspaper articles have no scientific backing. It's all marketing gimmicks by the supplements companies.
Then Mummy asked Dr. Ong about his views on hypnobirthing. 'Cos as far as possible, Mummy wants to have a drug-free labour. I've heard so many stories about the side effects of epidural... one of which is backaches. The worst and most horrid one I've heard is from Daddy's cousin. She kept on shivering non-stop for 4 hrs and almost bit her tongue. The nurses had to give her a block to bite on.
Well, Dr. Ong's views are that hypnobirthing is more for Westerners who have an entirely different culture from us Asians. Moreover, not everyone is suitable for hypnotherapy. That I agree... I remember there was once I attended a stress management workshop in which the trainer did a 15-minute relaxation exercise. We were sort of or supposed to be "hypnotised" as he guided us in visualising some relaxing images such as lying at the beach and so on. But I didn't find myself that relaxed at all. Maybe hypnotherapy really doesn't work on me.
After all that consultation, we proceeded to the scan machine. As usual, Dr. Ong prodded you a bit and we found you in the curled up position again. Dr. Ong calls it the 'fetal' position. He continued prodding at you hoping to see if you are a boy or girl.
"Seems like a girl," he said.
So Mummy and Daddy's dreams about you were accurate after all! Daddy was just telling me the other day that he dreamt you were a girl and I was very happy. Heehee...
Anyway, Dr. Ong says he wants to wait till the next scan in March before he confirms. 'Cos apparently, your legs were not really wide open. He'd prefer to see your legs wide open before he confirms your sex.
So, baby, next time we'll see you at the detailed scan at Mount Elizabeth Hospital. You must must must open your legs really wide then, ok?