Depending on the reply that I'm still waiting for, I MIGHT make a VERY drastic move...
You see... I've been offered a once-in-a-life-time opportunity to resolve a problem that has plagued me for decades. It's like a dream come true...
The thing is... this dream is in conflict with my profession as a teacher.
I've even spoken to my boss... (quote and unquote)
"You know the possible repercussions of doing this?"
"There's a conflict in interests..."
"The press might stir it up..."
"Especially THE NEW PAPER... you'd be a hot potato then..."
"We have an image to uphold..."
Well, he took the indirect approach, of course. I must compliment his communication skills. He scores a distinction in that... Of course! How else do you think he can be a leader???
In any case, the underlying message that he conveyed is "NO".
What am I going to do now???
My options are:
1) Give up the opportunity and remain in current job.
The opportunity costs? Live with the problem and try to alleviate it like what I've been doing for the past 6 years (which is time- and money-consuming).
Or fork out money to alleviate this problem on my own (which will never achieve the same outcome).
2) Give up the job (since I'm no longer bonded) to pursue this dream.
Opportunity costs? Look for another job, suffer a pay cut and tighten our belts. It's especially tough now that we have Karyn. More expenses to pay for. Also means I can't go for facials and spa anymore... have to give up scrapbooking (too expensive a hobby)... boohoo...
Oh... what am I going to do???