Did I mention that Karyn's a Hi-5 addict? She MUST watch Hi-5 every day, esp. during her meal times. There was once she woke up at 6 a.m. and pointed to the living room, bopping up and down in her cot. That's the sign for wanting to watch Hi-5...
Hi-5 is actually the second children's programme that we bought for Karyn. The first one was Baby Genius. But she didn't enjoy it. Hence, we bought Hi-5 for her as she had then displayed a liking for music. She'd dance whenever the radio was on. I figured she'll enjoy Hi-5. Actually, I'm the one who enjoys it too. Haha.
Ever since that Action Heros VCD, she'd not looked back. Even though we exposed her to other DVDs like Barney and Leapfrog (we imported this 5-DVD box set from Amazon for her 1st birthday present), her favourite is stii Hi-5. She gives Barney inconsistent attention (i.e. only when the song she likes is on) and she barely glances at Leapfrog. Butwhen it comes to Hi-5, her eyes are perpetually glued to the goggle box. So now we have an entire Hi-5 DVD series at home, some at my parents' place and others at my in-laws' place. We're now considering whether to get the new series now that we saw them at this particular video shop.
Anyway, back to the Circus Stage show...
Actually we discovered this Circus Stage Show by chance while we switching off the Hi-5 DVD this morning after Karyn finished her breakfast (we switched to TV mode before turning off the set). There was an advertisement on TV. But we thought the tickets were expensive - $88, $68, $48 & $38.
But then again, I had an ingenious idea... Perhaps Karyn can enter FOC! So whilst at in-laws' place in the afternoon, I went to Sistic website to check if we needed to get tickets for Karyn. I thought it would probably be free for kids below 3 years old. I was right! Only children 2 years old and above need to get tickets. Yeah!!!! $88 tickets were for the moshpit (floor seats). That'll be really fun!
After getting the green light from Hubby, I went ahead searching for two good seats. All the Cat 1 tickets were almost sold out except for the very last show on 9 Sep, 4 p.m. And so, I quickly placed a booking for the seats Blk AA2, Row D, Seats 5 & 6.
BUT... horror of horrors, I realised I'd been cheated!
After I checked out, I went back in, wanting to capture the image of the seating plan for this blog entry, the system offered me 2 seats that were 1 row in front of the ones I had booked - Blk AA2, Row C, Seats 4 & 5!
Arghhhh! How could Sistic do this to me?!?!?!? The difference was the seats were 1 seat to the side. Nevertheless, they were still 1 row IN FRONT!!!! I'm so infuriated!!!! Must call Sistic to complain! Humph!