Monday, September 04, 2006

My "attitude" baby

Karyn is displaying her personality more distinctly these days...

(1) She fusses a lot when she's sleepy.

(2) She adamantly refuses to drink milk when she's sleepy or tired.

(She will shake her head violently from side to side to avoid the bottle. If she "accidentally" sucks the milk from the bottle as we force it in, she will spit the milk out and it will flow to the side of her face. She pushes the milk bottle away from her mouth with such incredible strength you can't believe she's just 3 months old. Many a time, it takes up to 1 hour to feed her. Need to wait for "Her Highness" to snooze in between.)

(3) She snores in her sleep, sometimes with the bottle teat inside her mouth as we feed her.

(4) She cackles loudly whenever her Daddy and Ah Gong plays with her. She has just discovered her soprano pitch and is so enthusiastically practising it that her voice turned hoarse.

(5) She can spit her pacifier out to her tummy now.

(6) She can push her pacifier out with her tongue and grab it out of her mouth with her right hand.

(7) She has alternating play days and rest days. One day she'll play until she's exhausted. And the next day she'll fuss, wanting to sleep and refuse to drink milk. On her play day, she'll be easy to care for. On her rest days, we'll have tremendously difficult time coaxing her during her feeds (see point 2).

Point 2 alone is sufficient for me to conclude that she takes after her Daddy. You can't force (or coax) them to do things against their will.

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