Monday, October 02, 2006

Pictures say a thousand words

Looking at my baby...

smile (with content)
gurgle (with joy),
chuckle (in excitement),
(in ecstasy),

whine (for people when she's bored or left alone),
fuss (when she's hungry or tired),
exert (as she relieves herself),

push (her feet against the stroller bar),
flail (her arms in wild excitement),
(her legs against my tummy),
(over to her side),

sit (up using her back and arm muscles),
punch (her fist against my face),
(invisible enemies in the air),

tug (at my shirt),
swing (her hanky about)
grab (her bottle with both her hands),
(my fingers tightly),

spit (her milk out when she has enough to drink)
drool (puddles without control),
suck (her own fingers indulgingly),

everything becomes worthwhile...

even the spare tyres and love handles diminish...

well, at least, that can wait... a while...

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