Saturday, March 24, 2007

The brain wants to sleep but the body won't follow

Karyns absolutely L O V E S shopping and nothing can get in her way.

At Parkway Parade today, she was already so exhausted having had shopped at The Concourse (I was window shopping for party supplies in preparation for Karyn's 1st birthday in June) before adjourning to P.P.

During our dinner at the food court, while Hubby went to buy us food, Karyn went to sleep. Or rather, her brain went to sleep. Her body was still shopping; she always sits upright so that she gets the best view from her stroller while we push her around the shopping malls of Singapore.

We tried lowering her stroller seat at least thrice yet every time, she struggles to resume her upright position. So we finally gave up and let her sleep upright. Passers-by must be wondering how these parents could torture their baby this way...

Dozed off in the middle of shopping

Steadying herself, refusing to recline when I tried to lower her seat.

Slowly dozing off again. But STILL sitting upright!

The body is willing but the mind is weak

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