Thursday, April 05, 2007

Karyn is 10 months old!

Karyn has grown so much and learnt so many things over the past 10 months.

Some of her recent achievements include

(1) signing "twinkle twinkle little star"
(2) clapping hands forcefully when told to "clap loudly",
(3) gesturing "bao bao" (full) after a meal,
(4) waving hello and goodbye
(5) distinguishing the real hand phone from her toy hand phone
(6) saying "mum mum", "ma ma" and "da da"
(in that chronological order; goes to show how gluttony she is)
(7) feeding herself biscuits (using the pincer grip to pick up Gerbers Graduates star puffs and Wan Wan milk balls)
(8) tapping her head in jest
(9) pointing to and touching my teeth when I say "Where's Mummy's teeth?"
(10) scrunch up her nose and waving her hand when we say "poo poo smelly"
(11) gesturing "no more"
(12) taking things out from a bowl and putting them back
(13) imitating Mummy putting on make up (compact powder) by smacking her face
(14) "feeding" people with her spoon when asked to

Gerber Graduates Biter Biscuits, melts in your mouth, not in your hands

What a headache!

She has mastered the skill of crawling and scoots around everywhere in the house like a little puppy. And recently, ever since she learnt to walk by holding on to the sofa and coffee table, she has been cruising around much to her own delight, and trying to grab things that are within her reach. She has also learnt to point at things that has caught her attention.

Another talent she has is that of dancing, whenever she hears dance music, she will start dancing to the beat. So cute! I should take a video of her dancing and post it here as soon as I get the chance. Lately, she has even learnt to switch on and off the TV using the remote control!

Oh, and did I mention she has two front teeth now? Actually they emerged in March.

Let me show you my teeth

Can't see them? Look closer!

More photographs taken at Marina Square...

Japanese green tea with red beans ice cream. Yummy!


Looking pretty

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