Friday, November 18, 2005

The Toilet Battle and its aftermath

It's been such a terrible ordeal today. I can't believe constipation during pregnancy can get this bad. I was in "The Toilet Battle" for like 40 minutes, the longest ever in my life. I was bent over, grunting and pushing as though my life depended on getting that rock out of my body. Even the suppository which was supposed to stay inside for 20 mins got purged out intact almost immediately after I inserted it. The pain was unbearable. Don't remember it was this rough even when I had my relapse of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). I wonder if labour would like this... or worse...

Went to the GP after the battle. It left me exhausted and with a splitting headache, having lost almost 90% of my energy and whatever remained was lost with the perspiration. I've not perspired this much ever since I was pregnant, due to the lack of exercise. Sigh... that's another issue altogether. I miss my aerobics and swimming sessions...

Anyway, Doc. Choo was very empathetic. Upon realising the gravity of the situation, he suggested using the most primitive method of relief - using fingers. Then he went to the examination bed, opened the drawer underneath it, took 2 surgical gloves out and passed them to me. Eeeeeks! I already had a traumatising enough morning and here my GP is telling me to use my fingers???"That's what we doctors do for the elderly or young children who come in to seek immediate (medical) relief..." Which I think isn't that medical after all.... It's so disgusting.. The thought of sticking my fingers into that tiny little hole is grossing me out.

He went to the drawer and reached in again. "You've already given me two." I said instantaneously, almost in protest against the idea of having to use my fingers."It's ok, take more." And he gave me two more. Yucks... I couldn't discern if it was the thought of having to resort to this relief method or it was the sensation of holding the cold, plasticky surgical gloves that gave me the shudders. I quickly shoved them into my bag, just as I did to the first two.

"Ok, remember to take the Lactus three times a day. I don't recommend using it for the long term. Stop taking it if u manage to pass (motion) without such difficulty. And during your next visit to the gynae, ask him if it's alright to take it once every day or alternate day to regulate your bowels.

"Sigh... as if having IBS wasn't enough.

Right now, the 4 surgical gloves are tucked safely in my bedside drawer. I sure hope I don't have to use them!

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