In Smallville, there's a Super Man...
In Choa Chu Kang Crescent, there's a Super Dad...
And that person is none other than... Karyn's Daddy!
In just 2 weeks, Daddy has learnt and mastered the art of feeding Karyn.
After much practice over the 1st week, Daddy is now able to carry Karyn with ease. Not just that, he can feed her on his own without Mummy or Ah Ma standing by. In the past, either Ah Ma or Mummy has to be beside him throughout the whole feeding time, in case Karyn regurgitates milk and Daddy would panic. Now, Mummy can go to the toilet and leave Daddy to feed Karyn on his own.
In fact, he is sooo good at it that he knows exactly when and how Karyn needs to be burped.
And he can respond promptly by changing her position - patting her back while sitting her up, while putting her head on his shoulder, holding her head up high while supporting her backside - all the essential manoeuvres in burping a baby.
A round of applause for Daddy!
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