Monday, April 24, 2006

Books Warehouse Sale at Expo

During the Good Friday public holiday last week, Hubby and I went to Singapore Expo for the John Little sale and the Books Warehouse sale.

At the Books Warehouse sale, we bought 5 books on pregnancy, motherhood and breastfeeding.

As for children's books, there was such a huge variety, though some of them were quite old. Need to invest some time to sieve out the newer ones and those in better conditions.

We ended up buying 2 books for Karyn. One furry/teddy clothed book about PETS and a waterproof book called "We love splashing" for her to play with, more than read, in the bath.

So cute, aren't they?

And everything just cost us $38! Now we know, next time if we want to buy books for Karyn, wait for the Expo sale! Good bargains!

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