Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Karyn at 31 weeks

Went to the gynae last night. Oh, did I mention I've changed my gynae?

I'm seeing Dr. Paul Tseng now. Someone who's totally supportive of my natural birth plan. The previous gynae was quite uncomfortable with my birth plan. So Hubby and I decided to switch to Dr. Tseng, who is very popular with working with birth plans and supportive of active, natural births.

Anyway, he measured my uterus and told me it's 31.5 cm. Had a scan done and he noted the circumference of Karyn's head, I think. He showed me Karyn's heart, body and legs. I was glad to know that she's still head down and facing my back. Good position for birth. But what worried me is she's lying on my right, which isn't exactly the most ideal position. So now I've got to keep persuading her to move back to my left.

Finally, Dr. Tseng told us her weight. She's 1.9kg now, average weight of most babies at this term. She's really putting on weight now. She was only 1.5kg two weeks ago. Heehee...

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